ICCC – 18th International Common Criteria Conference

Claire Loiseaux is presenting “SIM to eSIM: what about security assurance and risks management?” by Mohamad Hajj and Claire Loiseaux from Internet of Trust ; Chrystel Gaber, Jean-Luc Grimault, Laurent Coureau, Jean-Philippe Wary from Orange, at 18th ICCC, in Singapore, October 1-3 2019. Internet of Trust is co-author of  “Explaining the Value of Security Levels for New […]

EDCC – 15th European Dependable Computing Conference

“A Survey on the Application of Safety, Security, and Privacy Standards on Dependable Systems” (extended abstract) by Lijun Shan and Claire Loiseaux from Internet of Trust, Behrooz Sangchoolie, Peter Folkesson, Jonny Vinter  from RISE, Erwin Schoitsch from AIT. Presented in EDCC, 17-20 September 2019, Naples, Italy. EDCC 2019.

SAFECOMP – 38th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security

Lijun Shan is presenting “A Survey on the Applicability of Safety, Security and Privacy Standards in Developing Dependable Systems” by Lijun Shan and Claire Loiseaux from Internet of Trust, Behrooz Sangchoolie, Peter Folkesson, Jonny Vinter  from RISE, Erwin Schoitsch from AIT, in 38th SAFECOMP, 10-13 September 2019, Turku, Finland. SAFECOMP Workshops 2019: 74-86.

VEHITS – 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems

“Practical Security and Privacy Threat Analysis in the Automotive Domain: Long Term Support Scenario for Over-the-Air Updates”, by Alexandr Vasenev from TNO, {Florian Stahl, Zhendong Ma} from AVL, {Hayk Hamazaryan, Joerg Kemmerich} from ZF, {Lijun Shan, Claire Loiseaux} from Internet of Trust to be presented in VEHITS, 3-5 May 2029, Heraklion, Grece. VEHITS 2019: 550-555.

SECREDAS Press Release

Internet of Trust is security partner in European project SECREDAS for Secure and Safe Automated systems. Download Press Release from here: www.ecsel.eu

Celtic-Plus Event 2018

Claire Loiseaux and Mohamad Hajj are presenting a risk analysis methodology applied to ODSI IoT use cases at the Celtic-Plus Event co-located with EUREKA Innovation Week. May 22-24, 2018, Helsinki, Finland www.celticplus.eu

SIdO 2018

Carolina Lavatelli is participating to the SIdO round table “New worldwide industrial IoT standard: 2IdO. For géolocalisation, ergonomy and predictive maintenance”. April 5 2018, Lyon – France www.sido-event.com

2IdO Press Release

Internet of Trust is security partner in French project 2IdO (Internet Industriel des Objets et des Opérateurs) for the industrial IoT. Press release here: www.altran.com

Celtic-Plus Event 2017

Claire Loiseaux and Mohamad Hajj are presenting “ODSI Lego Security Certification Methodology” at the Celtic-Plus Event co-located with EUREKA Innovation Week. May 18-19, 2017 Barcelona, Spain www.celticplus.eu