Certification provides solid proof that products/solutions/services comply with well-established, robust security requirements and processes. Internet of Trust provides certification-related services including the set-up, management and operation of schemes. These include establishing the management structure, leading the scheme maintenance activities, and taking in charge the accreditation of labs, harmonizing the application of the evaluation methodologies and performing the product/solution/service certification from certification request to evaluation monitoring, evaluation results review and certification decision. Internet of Trust certification activities are sustained by a set of criteria and processes that guarantee impartiality and state-of-the-art results as required by ISO/IEC 17065:2012.
The scheme building and set-up comprises the creation of the management and certification body, the accreditation of the initial labs, and the installation of the scheme information system infrastructure. This phase may also include the execution of some pilot evaluations, the registration of the scheme to the competent authorities (if applicable), and possibly the launch of groups of interest associated to the continuous improvement of the scheme.
The scheme operation is the responsibility of the certification body, which applies processes and procedures as defined in the scheme documentation framework, performs lab accreditation, evaluation monitoring and certification, interacts with stakeholders, leads interest groups, etc. The key features of a certification body are skills and independence. The certification body would also communicate on behalf of the scheme owner to promote the services and to collect feedback for maintaining the scheme’s suitability.
The outcome of the operation of a security scheme includes:
Internet of Trust operates security schemes and provides certification services, in compliance with ISO/IEC 17065:2012 standard:
Scheme Operation targets the set-up and the operation of the scheme up to certification. This type of service aims to launch and run a new scheme or to manage an existing scheme. Internet of Trust puts in place the management and certification structure, ensures the daily activities, including accreditation of labs and certification of products/solutions/services, and ensures the update of the scheme documentation as required, e.g. to meet the state-of-the-art and to reflect ecosystem evolutions.
Certification is a service aimed at providing skilled technical resources for performing the certification activities of a given scheme, from the acceptance of the certification request, by analysing the input documentation and evaluation plan, to the monitoring of the evaluation, the review of the evaluation results, and finally, the certification decision establishment. Internet of Trust provides certification services in the fields of IoT devices and solutions, mobile devices, secure elements, etc.